Instant Messaging Freedom, Inc.

The 2013 Board Meeting was held at 22:30 UTC on 2013-04-15 via conference call using the service Rondee.

Meeting started at 18:30 EDT on April 15Th 2013.

Called to order at 18:36.

Mark Doliner: Present
Ethan Blanton: Present
Luke Schierer: Present
John Bailey: Present
Sean Egan: Absent
Mark Spencer: Absent
Even Schoenberg: Absent - arrived during treasurer’s report.

Approve minutes

Minutes from the previous meeting posted at

Motion to approve the minutes as posted was unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s report

  • Books closed for 2012.
    Started the year with 20,830.86
    took in 2,706.59
      86.10 from Adium and credited to them.
      607.97 from affiliate account
      12.38 interest
      2,000.00 from summer of code
    -14.27 from fees for affiliate payment
    Ended year with 23,523.18

    Opened a pay-pal account with no activity.

  • 2013 to date (as of 2013/04/09)
    Opened year with 23523.18
      219.18 Affiliate Payments ◊   10,505.00 from donations
      5.00 from Mark Doliner
      The rest from Google UK
    -342.32 in fees so far.

Treasurer’s Report Approved unanimously.

Officer and director elections

Motion to renominate all board members to current positions was unanimously passed. Reelection was passed unanimously.


Ethan notified the board that he had not yet paid himself the authorized reimbursement for registering IMF with the state of Delaware.

Ethan motioned to pre-approve the renewal fee with Delaware. This was 170.00 last year. This motion was passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 18:49.