IM Freedom Board Meeting 2023-06-17 00:00 UTC using All times listed below are in UTC.
- Preamble and call to order:
- Directors Present
- John Bailey, President/Treasurer
- Matthew Needham, Vice President
- Gary Kramlich, Secretary
- Ethan Blanton, Director
- Richard Laager, Director
Treasurer’s Report
- Closing Balance on December 31, 2021 was $24,414,41.
- Opening Balance on January 1, 2022 was $24,414.41.
- Expenses:
- Development: $196.22
- Fees: $40
- Representation: 364.68
State Filings: 228.00
Total Expense: $848.90
Amazon Smile: $73.62
Donations: $339.95
Interest: $4.84
Spreadshirt: $40.02
Total Income: $858.43
Closing Balance on December 31, 2022 was $24,443.94.
Checking account: $1,448.31
Savings Account: $22,849.87
Paypal: $145.76
Net change in money on hand for the year is an increase of $9.53.
I made several transfers intended to keep the checking account near $1500 and the paypal account near $100.
2023 so far…
Opening balance on January 1, 2023 was $24,443.94.
- Representation: $731.50 (Chestek Legal for Trademark)
Development: $3,400.00 (mail/infrastructure)
Total Expense: $4,131.50
- Amazon Smile: $74.80 (there will not be any further Smile income)
- Donations: $5.34
Interest: $1.75
Total Income: $85.49
Current balance on hand is $20,387.24.
- Checking account: $1053.92
- Savings account: $19,197.82
- Paypal: $100.00
Net change in money on hand is a loss of $4,056.70
John will no longer be maintaining a balance of around $1,500 in the checking account. This was being done due to a misunderstanding with the terms on that account where the actual minimum balance is $500.
Ethan moves to accept the treasurer’s report
Gary seconds
passes unanimously
Board Election
- Matthew moves to reup the current slate of officers
- Ethan seconds
- Passes unanimously
- Ethan moves to re-elect the board
- Gary seconds
- Passes unanimously
Old Business
- Bank accounts
- Got Gary added onto the accounts
- John turned on electronic statements
- John got the address changed to his
- Investment account
- Richard notes that the account setup was completed without issue
- Richard mentions that the money market on Fidelity has a 4.75% interest
- John states that we should talk about this in new business
- Gary talks about email being shutdown and the move to Discourse
- There’s a few more minor things to do before tearing down
- Richard mentions there’s a few forwarding mailing addresses that he kept
- John reminds everyone that we have MUC
- Gary reminds everyone that they have fully federated XMPP accounts
- John mentions that he intends on looking for new representation to save us money as Richard found one that was much cheaper than CT Corp
New Business
- John mentions moving a significant portion of our money from our savings account
- Richard moves to move our money from savings to the investment account and leave it in the core position
- Ethan seconds
- Passes unanimously
- Gary mentions November 18th is Pidgin’s 25th Birthday
- Talks a bit about doing something but asks people for ideas
- Also mentions the interviews of the early developers and
- Also asks for help on any of these ideas/fronts including running a fund raiser
- Also mentions a 25th Birthday sticker/logo
- Also mentions federating
- Solicits estimates on a budget for the Birthday
- We decide to take this offline after we have some ideas
Meeting adjourned at 2023-06-17 00:57 UTC